As a registered charity we are reliant on the generosity of local groups and people to support our work. Some funding is provided by the NZ government for search and rescue support. Volunteers provide communications that help in search and rescue operations are part of a team that finds the missing or lost and saves people’s lives. They provide communications in response to civil emergencies. Other volunteers maintain the radios and infrastructure network, which is part of vital work, but are not on-call for emergencies.
While our volunteers provide their labour freely there is a cost for training, equipment and travel expenses and other overheads that enables them to respond.
Donations and sponsorship help us keep these vital services available.
Please gift what you can afford at out Give-a-little page. Here are a few ways your money helps us to do our important work.

5-in1 Raincoat



Training Course

Handheld Radio

There is ongoing cost to keep our volunteers trained and skills fresh and kitted out with personal protective and radio equipment. Consider providing sponsorship on a regular basis. This can help to defray the costs incurred by our volunteers during the delivering these essential services.
Want to help find the missing, or lost, save lives?
Be a key member of the communications team? Support the radio infrastructure networks?
As a member of AREC, you enjoy local and national training, have the opportunity to participate in Search and Rescue exercises and SAR operations, and take part in meetings in your local district with like-minded people.